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Representative Of Southeast Cultural Elites ?on Tang Shouqian

Posted on:2011-04-16Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X W SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:1485303077464234Subject:China's modern history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Tang Shouqian is one of the early reformer in modern times, and eschewing the constitutional movement leader, is the only one of the Qing dynasty in the consulting Department and the reform movement and Constitutionalism movement phase always and has gone through an important figure in the revolution. Tang Shouqian was Seriously affected by the Zhedong School of Chinese, and later engaged in political and educational activities, and become an active advocate of Western civilization. The "Weiyan" of publishment by Tang Shouqian has established the position of the reformists in 1890, he firmly believed that traditional culture in ideological resources to save lives at the time of the social crisis, while adhering to the Western Concept from Chinese, referring the Western art, Western Culture, Western political system, from the launch of the "Weiyan" to widen participation in the Organization of the constitutional Association, the advocates congressional protest, participate in the revolution to the final withdrawal of the country, the conduct of public affairs, their life experience is conservative elites to participate in the constitutional reform revolutionary political and social activities in miniature and cases in history has exemplified the significance.The article will discuss on Tang Shouqian experiences, activities, books, mind on the entire social background investigation, and as far as possible be thought and the historic environment, revolving around the conflict between Chinese and Western cultures and modern problems, discussing the Tang Shouqian thought development ideas and internal Foundation. At the same time in the course of the study, noting other factions such as westernization, diehands, Ching genre of similarity and difference, as well as with other comparison of the reformists, striving to discover from common to determine their personality in the history of the position and value.I prepared to study from time and space in two dimensions forward. In the first chapter, mainly an overview of Tang Shouqian biographies and works as a clue, prompting the whole article. From chapter?began its South East fidelity, constitutionalism, " Maintaining road movement", the revolution of activities to study them in detail. Tang Shouqian life had basically gone a "human" face of road that early to attend Imperial on career, recognizing that his career after the ugly, but in the field of culture and education of feudal country gentry world vision (perhaps the social mission and responsibility) makes them go through the Southeast mutual insurance constitutionalism-Maintaining road movement-Xinhai revolution, and finally to achieve a political career, has held the military Governor of Zhejiang and Chief of the provisional Government of the Republic of China (not inaugural traffic). But the political struggle of cruel and darkness to select leaving Politics and returning to his small name of monks, Word magazine, family meconematidae from fairy wings, and the birth of its parent encountered monk legends we can speculate that it's both positive aspects of the hermitting, there is no music scholars (there is a substantial likelihood of its early life and family education). Their lives less concerned about social issues, but its reclusive country period to dam owned by the bridge, founded the lazuli primary, leaving a will and other activities that are still not forgotten its gentry, still be Commendable by worthy ancestors.I think:the reference typological approach, the elite group of south-east of this historical concept, writer and interpersonal Tang Shouqian make friends as the center, Zhang Jian, Zheng Xu, Shen Yu Qing, Zhang Yuan-ji, Tsai Yuan-pei, Chen San-li, He Si-Kun, ZHAO Feng-chang, LIU Jin-zhao and other cultural elites summed up as the South East elite groups, and to Tang Shouqian as the center, to explore the vicissitudes of the group process, and thus of modern Chinese society in transition, the gentry class in the major historical events on the separation of polymer by the reflection of the world changed with disabilities change, to deepen the historical transition understanding and speculation.This social transformation in the end of the Qing period, China faced an unprecedented national crisis. Except for a few diehards, most of them cultural elites in favor of changing the status quo, learning from the West, they had a constitutional right preparation have a great hope, but the Qing court estimated that vested interests, set up a "royal cabinet," so that they disappointed. Kang and Liang and the students were from overseas groups and Sun Yat-sen and other revolutionaries to actively mobilize public opinion and launched an armed uprising in the country and advocated anti-full revolution, the rapid revolution can not be halted, so that many cultural elites have coerced during a revolution, soul mates. As a premature revolution, due to lack of preparation, resulting in the disorder and the social order, anomie and social center of gravity of the loss of fall. Cultural elite of the contrast between idealism and reality, unwilling to total Westernization, but also dissatisfaction with the status quo, internal undergoing major differentiation:the first one to Zheng Xu, Yan Fu, Luo Zhenyu, Shen-sik, man-made representative of the Qing court and the traditional culture of the sentimentally attached to as the late Qing Dynasty; the second to Tang Shouqian, Zhang Jian, Xiong Xiling, Zhang Yuan-ji and other man-made representation, they are far away from politics and return to a gentleman the whole nation, engaging in cultural and educational or charitable purposes for the benefit of society to another form of practice, its cultural ideals; The third to Tsai Yuan-pei, Tan Yankai artificial containers such as representatives of whitewater-Yong Jin, a revolutionary fathers, but also of being marginalized.In this paper, Tang Shouqian examination of the case, concluded their ideological characteristics:Tang Shouqian types of south-eastern cultural elite groups in the transformation of modern Chinese society during the transitional period, his thinking has shown contradictory and ambiguous nature of the characteristics from time to time to show progress with the conservative confusion, With the development of the times they are from the stage of history behind the forefront of a gradual retreat, reflecting the social changes of the times and what it represents the rise of the constitutional faction elite and lonely, was eventually replaced by revolutionary elites, which itself is a modern Chinese society metabolism in miniature.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tang Shouqian, Western Culture Originated from the Chinese, Southeast Elites, Social Transformation
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