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Research On Labor Geographical Landscape Pattern Of The Rural-urban Migrating And Its Adaptation Processes Under The Background Of Urban Transformational Development

Posted on:2021-01-23Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1482306743459934Subject:Human Geography
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a major event affecting the course of humankind history in the 21st century,the world's largest rapid urbanization and rural-urban labor migration are undergoing in China.The process is g radually shifting from land urbanization to population urbanization,from industrialization to citizenization and from structuralism to humanism.Meanwhile,this shifting process is accompanied by the transformation and upgradation of the industrial structure,economic growth model,labor market and urban spatial structure.Under the synthetic influences of the urbanization strategy transformation,the new trends of labor migration and the regional development further differentiated,and thus presenting new-type labor market segmentation and labor geography landscape that is different from the past.In the process of urban transformational development of the industrial structure adjustment and labor working division of various cities,rural-urban migrating labor constantly adjusts individual characteristics to adapt to the reconstruction of the labor market and the adjustment of employment relationship.With that,they actively creates the unique social space that belongs to the themselves group through the spatial shaping function of the subjective initiative.Therefore,the development stage of the relationship between rural labor migration and urban transformational development has entered a more diverse,interactive,profound,and dynamic transformation era.In a new era,the major challenge facing Chinese society has become how to tackle unbalanced and inadequate development and the people's ever-growing needs for a better life.The rural-urban migrating labor has a prominent demand for improved arrangements of the livelihood,housing,public services,social security and its institutional convenience of its system in a broad sense.Hence,a series of topic issues that are of common concern for managers and scholars have emerged.Such as,how to achieve a smooth and orderly migration of the rural-urban migrating population and people-oriented citizenization?How to promote the integration and fusion of new immigrants and urban society?How to balance the adaptability of cross-regional urban transformational development and rural population migration?And how to make the labor market better match the urban transformational development?Whereupon,from the perspective of cross-regional and subjective initiative and in mind,this study analyzed the interaction between rural-urban labor migration and urban transformational development and its adaptation process.Meanwhile,focusing on the adaptability of the labor geographical landscape,it was summarized and discuseed that the internal mechanisms of the adaptability and effects,as well as underlying policy practices,community interactions,social culture,institutional construction and other factors of spatial remodeling and social transformation.This study aimed to examine the roles and expressions of the subjectivity and initiative of the rural-urban migrating labor in the production,restoration,and structural adjustment of urban social space,and discuss the initiative effects of rural-urban labor migration in Chinese social transformation and the construction of social governance capacity and system.As the result,the enlightenment of this study could provide the latest geographic perspective policy basis and insights for guiding and promoting the sustainable migration of rural labor and people-oriented urbanization and citizenization development.These policy basis and insights could inspire useful and feasible suggestions for creating more competitive and inclusive modern urban agglomeration and the new engine of economic growth,to realize the urban-rural integrated development,social integration and transformation.Based on the above statements,this study took Fuzhou,Xiamen,Wuhan and Chengdu,which straddled the east,middle and west,as the sample cities.First,the micro social survey dataset was employed to construct the multi-dimensional geographic landscape of the rural-urban migrating labor.Meanwhile,it was analyzed that the external differences and internal connections of migration life course including migration,employment,residence and living characteristics in different sample cities and industries.With then,this study quantitatively explained the labor geographical landscape pattern and its relationship of compositions,thus revealing the adaptation process and its mechanism of labor geographical landscape to urban transformational development.Finally,the responsive strategies were proposed to promote the social integration of urban immigrants.The following main conclusions are reached according to the analysis results:(1)Under the background of the shift of humanism in urbanization strategy,the trends of rural-urban labor migration and urban transformational development are salient.Its prominent manifestations are the transformation of the urbanization regional pattern towards the ascending development of the eastern region and the accelerated development of the mid-western regions.The development of urban space has entered the phases of upgrading and improving the center areas,and the expansion and extension of the urban periphery.The urban industrial and employment structures are tilted towards business and service industries,wihile consumption has contributed significantly to economic and employment growth.The growth and size of the ruralurban migrating population are increasing rapidly from 2000-18,but the progress of citizenization is slow.Totally,the size of the migrant population in China has gradually stabilized from 2014,and its migrating types,paths,methods and motivations have gradually exhibted more diversified than before,and the changes of intra-provincial and near-local migration characteristics of the rural labor migration have been obvious.The migration and employment,residence and living characteristics have shown the characteristics of the urban transition period including diversification,complication and regionalization.(2)The analysis of the rural-urban labor migrating life course characteristics shows that the new young generation has become the main part of rural-urban migration.Their migration enthusiasm and initiative are salient,and their settlement willingness is stronger than the old generations.However,the residential space is significantly fragmentated and marginalized.The significant intergenerational differences indicate that rural-urban migration is gradually entering the stage of population restructuring and intergenerational turnover.The analysis of migration experience shows that most of the respondents have experienced migration to the three major eastern urban agglomerations in China.Among them,the eastern sampling cities have attracted younger and more educated migrant groups,while the backflow trends of the eastern migrant groups have become increasingly apparent.Compared with the eastern,the migration distances of the mid-western groups are shorter with stronger willingness to return.Obvious changes are found in rural-urban migrant groups' employment structure,represented by gradual transforming from construction manufacturing to basic services industries.The various characteristics of the migration life course show the significant obvious trend differences between cities and industries,thereout,there are distinct segmentation and employment elasticity of the rural-urban migrant labor market.In the segmentation,the differentiation of employment characteristics has a basic role.This differentiation is the segmentation and adjustment of the labor market and employment relationship by the nature of the industries and the characteristics of the cities.Thus,the differentitation shapes the employment development pattern in the geographical and social space,which further affect and shape the residencial and living characteristics of rural-urban migrating labor.(3)This study scientifically constructed five comprehensive labor geographic landscape indexes,including migration stability index,employment marginalization index,employment development index,residential marginalization index,and social integration index.The labor geographical landscape pattern and the relationships between compositions are analyzed.We found that the stability of working cities is higher than that of employment,besides,it is more important to maintain stable working cities than stable employment.And there is a major(18 years)and a minor(4.8 years)migration stability cycles in the rural-urban migration life course,respectively.The migration graduality and stability cycles reflect the response-adjustment-adaptation chain of the rural-urban immigrants individual and urban transformation process.The work institution index can best reflect the elasticity and segmentation of the employment market.Moreover,compared with other indexes,employment skills have a more significant role in promoting employee development,with less volatility and higher certainty.Home-work balance is a key variable to alleviate the residential marginalization of rural-urban migrants,and the housing stress is the main shaping force for the stratum differentiation of social space on the scale of rural-urban migrants living space and community scale.In terms of social integration,family migration can significantly promote social integration,and differences in social participation are more likely to cause social space differentiation.In total,the component relationships of labor geographic landscape are divided into different stages of response-adjustmentadaptation.The relationships between compositions reveal the shaping forces and its spatial expressions of labor geographic landscape in the differentiation between geographical and social space,and expound the physical practice and spatial production process of migrant groups in labor geographic landscape.(4)The formation processes of the rural-urban migrating labor geographical landscape are analyzed in this study,consequently,the subjective initiative and physical practice of the migrating individuals play dominant roles in shaping the migration stability,employment development and employment marginalization of the labor geographical landscape.Meanwhile,the characteristics of urban transformational development have greater impacts on the formation of social integration and the residential marginalization than other factors.The industry differences,as a parametric expression of the rural-urban labor migration's adaptation processes to the urban transformation development,are transmitted and mapped into the labor geographical landscape.Based on the analysis of the adaptation processes,it is found that urban spatial differentiation shapes the urban spatial pattern of labor geographical landscape,in addition,the development of the private individual economy has significantly promoted employment development.Moreover,the increment in housing costs has promoted the differentiation and marginalization of residential space.Thus,the cost of housing has also become the primary trade-off variable for urban migrating population residential self-selection.In summary,transitional urban provides improvement opportunities for rural-urban labor migration while also increasing migration challenges and risks,and there is a balanced mechanism to avoid the excessive concentration or fragmentation of the labor geographical landscape.Finally,this study divides the social integration processes of urban migrants into three parts:employment integration,residential integration and social integration,and believes that it will undergo three stages of response,adjustment,and adaptation.Based on the characteristics of social integration during the transition period in China,responsive strategics are proposed to promote the urban immigrants from the residential mixture to community concordance to social integration.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rural-Urban Migrating Labor, Labor Geographical Landscape, Transformational Development, Adaptation Process, Social Integration
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