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Golem - A Study Of German Expressionist Architectural Aesthetics In The Early 20th Century

Posted on:2019-01-11Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Q SongFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Despite the short time,the expressionist architecture which boomed in the early twentieth century has great energy and significance.As an integral part of the avant-garde movements as well as a branch of the modern architect,the expressionist architecture conceived many influential and archetypal thoughts.In turmoil and social upheaval,this revolutionary event impacted both as a captivating metaphor for a socialist political and cultural transformation and as a ponderation of new technical possibilities and novel materials.It had evoked heated debates at the sametime embodied the urgent hopes of a better society.Facing its heterogenous and frequently vague nature endowed by many manifestoes and programmatic statements,one may hardly help to raise several questions: when the term "expressionist architecture" initially got its specific meaning? In what ideological seedbeds the expressionist architecture rooted itself? In which order an expressionist architecture can be approached? And in which way the formal idiom of expressionist architect can be characterised?With a view to it notorious difficulty to pin down to any clear lable,the gist to clarify the conception of ?expressionist architect? lie in the retroactive application to the important events and works in the period.This treatise aimed to make some criteria which defines it and find out the way the fantasy,ideology,and the mental states of humans combining with technology introduced into architect.
Keywords/Search Tags:expressionist architecture, ideology, order, form, aesthetic
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