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A Study On Workers Sent By China To Aid Mongolia(1949-1964)

Posted on:2020-07-23Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:L BaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1482305951978819Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper mainly use the archives declassified by the central archives of foreign relations of Mongolia,the central archives of Mongolia,the archives of the Mongolian people's revolutionary party,the archives of the Chinese ministry of foreign affairs and provincial archives.The main line of this article is the course of the People's Republic of China send workers to aid the People's Republic of Mongolian to carry on the socialist economic construction during 1949 to 1964.By focusing on the working and living conditions of Chinese construction workers in Mongolia over the years and the evolution process,this paper tries to reflect the development of diplomatic and economic relations between China and Mongolia those two countries in the socialist camp after the establishment of diplomatic ties.There are five parts in this articles.The first chapter discusses the process of China sending construction workers to Mongolia.After the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Mongolia in 1949,the first Chinese ambassador to Mongolia,Jiyatai,misunderstood meaning of Zhouenlai and raised the issue of sending Chinese workers to Mongolia when dealing with the issue of overseas Chinese in Mongolia.Due to the domestic economy in the early years of the founding of new China,the outbreak of the Korean war and the participation of Chinese troops in the war,the negotiation between China and Mongolia on sending workers was suspended.Only in 1955 did China and Mongolia sign an agreement,and China sent a large number of workers to Mongolia for construction.Affected by the relationship between two countries,China stopped sending construction workers to Mongolia in 1963,and all the construction workers returned home in 1964.Chapter two mainly discusses the working and living conditions of Chinese construction workers in Mongolia.Although Mongolian leaders need a large number of Chinese workers to go to Mongolia for construction assistance,they still hold the ambivalence of "suspicion" and "vigilance" towards them.Such ambivalence is reflected in Mongolia's distribution of work and living conditions to Chinese workers.For example,Mongolia dispersed the working place of Chinese workers;Compared with Soviet workers and Mongolian workers,there are obvious differences in working conditions and living conditions of Chinese workers.However,thanks to the publicity and education of the Chinese government,the construction assistance work of Chinese workers has not been greatly affected.Chapter three analyzes how China and Mongolia deal with the contradictions between the two countries' workers and the evolution of their handling policies.In response to the illegal acts of Chinese workers and the conflict between the workers of the two countries,at the request of the Chinese government,the two sides decided handle the issue in accordance with the Mongolian law.For historical and geopolitical reasons,Mongolian judiciary and police often take sides in Mongolian workers.Therefore,at the request of the Chinese side,the two sides decided to solve the judicial issue through joint consultation.After the deterioration of Sino-Mongolia relations,the Mongolian side unilaterally dealt with the judicial issue between the workers despite the opposition of the Chinese side.Among them the most typical case is "Dou Hai Yu,Yu Shen Shui incident".Chapter four discusses the changes of the relationship between China and Mongolia and the process of Chinese construction workers returning home.Chinese construction workers arrived in Mongolia in 1955.Later,due to various reasons and the expiration of their three-year working period,some Chinese workers returned home early.After the deterioration of Sino-soviet relations,due to Mongolia's "equidistance" foreign policy,from 1959 to early 1961,there were few workers who had expired or returned early.Affected by Sino-soviet relations,after the deterioration of Sino-Mongolian relations,the number of Chinese workers who had expired and returned home in advance increased sharply.Especially during the visit of Zedenbal to China in 1962,there was an ideological dispute between Zedenbal and Zhou Enlai,which intensified the relations between the two parties and the two countries.In 1964,the Mongolian government adjusted its policy toward China and Mongolia unilaterally announced the repatriation of all Chinese workers.Chapter five discusses the influence of Chinese construction workers on the five-year plan of Mongolia's socialist economic construction.Since 1955,Mongolia had attracted a large number of Chinese workers to participate in the national economic construction.At the same time,in response to the plan to develop its national economy of Mongolia,China and Mongolia signed an economic assistance agreement,and China provided Mongolia with a large amount of economic assistance.With the changes in the international situation,Mongolian leaders not only learned from China's great leap forward movement,but also carried out the great leap forward movement nationwide in 1959 despite the opposition of the Soviet union.Chinese workers have taken an active part and achieved fruitful results.By 1964,all Chinese workers had returned home and construction projects were suspended.China sending labor and providing economic assistance to Mongolia is quite different from that of other countries.China's aid to Mongolia not only propagated its own economic development model,but also reduced the influence of the Soviet union in Mongolia.By providing economic assistance,China can expand its political influence in Mongolia,which will be beneficial for China to compete with the Soviet union in Mongolia.However,although China's sending labor to Mongolia affected the decision of leaders of the two countries on bilateral relations,it contributed to the deterioration of bilateral relations in the early 1960 s.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese assist construction workers, Economic assistance, Sino-Mongolian diplomacy, People's Republic of Mongolia
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