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The Impact Of Regional Integration On The Spatial Distribution Of Polluting Industries

Posted on:2021-10-24Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X HanFull Text:PDF
GTID:1481306302984089Subject:Regional Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Regional integration is an important phenomenon in the development of global economy nowadays,the most common form is to break the administrative district and construct urban agglomeration.Regional integration within countries can achieve the expansion of market size,industrial division and spatial adjustment by strengthening trade links,promoting factor flows and close regional government cooperation.It is against this background that the regional integration is constantly emerging as a national development strategy.In the new period of China's reform and opening up,the high-quality integration of the Yangtze River Delta is defined as the strategic deployment of regional planning at the central level,which indicates that the integration will become the direction of the evolution of national regional strategy in the new period,and its fundamental goal requirement and core connotation are high-quality development.In 2007,the State Council promulgated the First National Pollution Source Census Programme,which identified 11 industries,including papermaking,food processing,chemical raw materials,textiles,electricity,petroleum,smelting,etc.,as heavy pollution industries,involving several important sectors closely related to national production..On the one hand,pollution industry is indispensable in the specific stage of economic development,which is closely related to the growth of regional economy,the development of upstream and downstream industries and the life of the people;on the other hand,areas with excessive concentration of pollution industry may cause serious environmental problems and have a negative impact on local and surrounding areas.Regional integration is not a simple combination of two countries or regions,but a dynamic spatial process of change.The diffusion of technology,the free flow of products and factors and the coordination of policies jointly promote the convergence process between regions,which is bound to be accompanied by the transfer of industry and the change of spatial distribution.However,is the spatial distribution of pollution industry under regional integration even? Can regional integration draw pollution industry away? Can regional integration realize the convergence of pollution industry? What is its intrinsic mechanism of action? These problems need to be examined by both theory and evidence.If regional integration can avoid excessive concentration of polluted industries,reduce the share of polluted industries in the region,change the development mode of polluted industries whose economic growth momentum depends on high emission,optimize the industrial structure,and realize the convergence of polluted industries in the whole region to a low level,then the development strategy of regional integration is not only in line with the market-led and government-led regional coordinated development model,but also in line with the current and future high-quality development goals.Based on the realistic thinking,it is of great theoretical and practical significance to study the change of pollution industry transfer and its spatial distribution.The research contents of this paper include the following seven chapters: The first chapter is the introduction,which introduces the research background,the significance of the research,the definition of relevant concepts,the research ideas and contents.The second chapter is theoretical research.The second chapter is theoretical research.This paper considers the influence of the differentiated environmental regulation on the location choice of enterprises in the theoretical framework of the new economic geography.By examining the relationship between the regional integration and the regional pollution industry share and the regional pollution industry share gap under the symmetry and asymmetry hypothesis,this paper answers how the regional integration affects the geographical concentration of the pollution industry,the industrial transfer and the convergence of the industrial region,thus fully reveals the influence of the regional integration on the spatial distribution of the pollution industry.The third chapter is the present situation and descriptive statistical analysis.The paper introduces the current situation and trend of the pollution industry spatial distribution and the Yangtze River Delta's regional integration from many angles and analyzes the spatial correlation characteristics of the spatial distribution of the Yangtze River Delta's pollution industry.Chapter four,chapter five and chapter six are empirical studies.based on the micro data of chinese industrial enterprises from 1998-2013 in 30 cities in the changjiang river delta,the dynamic panel gmm model,the spatial panel dubin model and the intermediary effect test model are used to verify the relationship between regional integration and the spatial distribution of polluted industries and the intrinsic mechanism of action.The seventh chapter is the conclusion and policy enlightenment.Based on the previous theoretical and empirical conclusions,this paper puts forward the policy implications and points out the future expansion direction of this paper.The core problem of this paper is to demonstrate how regional integration affects the spatial distribution of polluted industries.The relationship between regional integration and industrial geographical concentration,industrial transfer and industrial regional convergence are investigated respectively.First of all,it is a theoretical study on the influence of regional integration on the geographical concentration of pollution industry.Based on the traditional trade theory,the new trade theory and the new economic theory,the paper discusses the relationship between regional integration and the gap of regional pollution industry share under the assumption of trade cost symmetry.Secondly,it is the theoretical research on the influence of regional integration on the transfer of pollution industry.After loosening the assumption of symmetry of trade cost,the free capital model of two regions,two sectors and two elements is constructed to obtain the relationship between the freedom of trade of goods,the freedom of capital flow and the level of environmental regulation under asymmetric market barriers and the share of polluted industry,and then the "trade instead of production effect" and "capital flow and industrial transfer effect" are the internal mechanisms of the transfer of polluted industry among regions affected by the degree of market integration.Finally,a theoretical analysis framework of regional integration affecting the regional convergence of pollution industries is constructed to provide an empirical research model to investigate whether the process of regional integration can reduce the regional distribution difference caused by administrative segmentation.Based on the analysis framework of the growth convergence model under the open economy,through the theoretical derivation and analysis,the regional integration will act on the regional convergence of pollution industry through the mechanism of "industrial structure adjustment effect" and "economic development convergence effect",which provides a theoretical basis for the empirical test whether the regional gap of pollution industry is divergent or convergent.Based on the relevant conclusions of the previous theoretical model,this paper sets up the empirical models to test respectively.In order to more comprehensively examine the impact of regional integration on the spatial distribution of polluting industries,this paper also fully considers the differences of industry mobility characteristics,regional differences,potential endogenous problems and the impact of spatial correlation on the empirical results,using the regression of industry heterogeneity samples,tool variables,spatial regression,stepwise regression and the replacement of core variables for robust analysis.The main empirical conclusions of this paper are as follows: First,the integration of market and government cooperation in the Yangtze River Delta significantly reduces the geographical concentration of pollution industry,while there is a significant “U” relationship between the integration of environmental regulation and the geographical concentration of pollution industry in the Yangtze River Delta.Second,the pollution industry transfer effect of regional market integration finally reduces the share of pollution industry in the whole Yangtze River Delta region,and the behavior strategy of pollution industry with different characteristics of industry liquidity under market integration is obviously different,and different pollution industry transfer mechanism is formed.Third,the empirical research on the impact of Yangtze River Delta integration on the regional convergence of pollution industries shows that although the Yangtze River Delta integration has not completely eliminated provincial administrative barriers,the Yangtze River Delta integration process has indeed weakened the local administrative division.By promoting the industrial structure adjustment and economic development level convergence,the pollution industry distribution gap between Yangtze River Delta cities is narrowed,which is conducive to convergence at lower level.In the process of integration of Yangtze River Delta,the radiation range and radiation effect of Shanghai significantly reduces the gap between other Yangtze River Delta cities.This study is of great theoretical and practical significance to understand the spatial distribution,transfer mechanism and changing trend of pollution industry under the development of regional integration in China and provides important policy enlightenment for the current regional integration development strategy and economic high-quality development.(1)Further deepening the reform of regional market integration and close government cooperation will help to optimize the spatial distribution of pollution industries and avoid the concentration of pollution industries.(2)Reducing the barriers to the commodity market will contribute to the transfer of local polluting industries,and it is also necessary to avoid the pollution industry agglomeration introduced by capital market barriers in combination with environmental regulation means,so as to play the role of market integration to promote the transfer of polluting industries and adjust and optimize the industrial structure.(3)Breaking down administrative barriers and strengthening inter-regional economic coordination can promote the adjustment of pollution industry structure and realize the convergence.This study provides a new theoretical perspective for the comprehensive application of two different policy means: market integration and environmental regulation.It is believed that the comprehensive use of market and administrative means can effectively reduce the share of regional pollution industry and realize the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure.
Keywords/Search Tags:regional integration, pollution industry, spatial distribution, industrial mobility, Yangtze River Delta
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