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An Analytical Study of Innovation During the Primary Years Program in an International Baccalaureate World Schoo

Posted on:2019-06-30Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Cambridge CollegeCandidate:Payne, LeJon AprilFull Text:PDF
GTID:1479390017986693Subject:Elementary education
This qualitative, analytical study at an International Baccalaureate school explored third grade teachers' perceptions of three specific innovative teaching strategies: innovation skills needed by third grade students; barriers and challenges that exist when teaching 21st Century skills; and skills needed by teachers to teach innovation skills. Ten third grade teachers participated in the study using semi-structured interviews. The conceptual framework evolved around John Dewey's theory of child development which proposes that children learn by doing rather than by listening to enhance 21st Century innovation skills. Findings showed that teachers reported what they need the most was professional development and onsite assistance to maintain operative devices; adequate devices for each student; proper infrastructure to accommodate new technologies; and time to plan collaboratively with other teachers. Teachers identified the need for students to continue to develop the following skills: critical thinking and problem solving, communication, collaboration, and creativity. Teachers also reported that they have poor infrastructure at the school for technology and a lack of technology equipment and materials. The school should provide financial resources to purchase new technologies and training should be conducted for all teachers. Further research is needed to improve the current teaching strategies exhibited without adequate technologies for lower grades.
Keywords/Search Tags:Teachers, Third grade, Innovation
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