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Project management and governance in the Project Management Office (PMO): Analysis of the variables associated with project success

Posted on:2016-06-11Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:Neaverth, Michael PFull Text:PDF
Greater understanding of the problem of unsuccessful projects in organization has practical and theoretical applications in the field of project management. The findings in this study derived from the empirical evidence bridge gaps in the academic literature and add to the body of knowledge within the field of project management. Findings of this study build on academic research of Dai (2001), Dai and Wells (2004), and Stewart (2010). The practical applications are for the use of the results of this study in organizations currently operating or seeking establishment of a Project Management Office (PMO). This study analyzed governance of projects associated with the presence of a PMO in relation to project success. The variables for this analysis were selected from constructs consisting of project success and governance of projects associated with a PMO within the theoretical constructs of contingency theory. The research methodology in this study was a non-experimental correlation analysis with a statistical test of multiple regression, bivariate correlation, and regression with moderation. These tests used a significance p < .05 from a random sample of individual project team (n = 114) from a population of project team members in organizations that execute projects. The results of this research indicated there was a significant relationship between the variables indicating the governance of projects by a PMO and project success with p < .05 [F (6,101) = 22.38, p = 000]. Project management methods and standards were determined to have a significant statistical relationship with project success, r (113) = .561, p = .000. The moderating effect of a PMO as a function of project management methods and standards was not significant on project success with p > .05 [F (1,109) = 2.21, p = .14].
Keywords/Search Tags:Project, PMO, Governance, Variables, Associated
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