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A Validation of the Inventory of Problem as a Measure of Malingering in Chin

Posted on:2019-08-31Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Alliant International UniversityCandidate:Song, ChaoFull Text:PDF
So far, there are no effective assessment tools for detecting the malingering of schizophrenia in China (Wang, Qiao, & Zhu, 2007). A valid malingering test that is easy to use incorporating multiple and diverse detection strategies is needed. The Inventory of Problems (IOP), an all-purpose, symptom and performance validity test, which is in its final developmental stages could meet this need. It is designed to assist in the evaluation of malingering of a variety of mental and cognitive disorders across a variety of contexts, including, for example, criminal, psychological injury, and disability contexts.;This study investigated the validity of the IOP in discriminating bona fide schizophrenia patients from feigners in China. To do so, the test was translated and back-translated into Mandarin-Chinese (the IOP-MC). One hundred Chinese participants that consisted of 50 bone fide patients with a diagnosis of schizophrenia, and 50 simulators of schizophrenia, were recruited. A yoked design was used to pair the bona fide patients with the simulators on important demographic variables, and each non-patients was instructed to feign the paired patient's symptoms of schizophrenia.;Results indicated that the IOP-MC was able to differentiate bona fide patients with schizophrenia from feigners and it incremented over the Magical Ideation Scale-Mandarin Chinese version (MIS-MC) when it was used to identify patients with schizophrenia. These results suggest that the IOP-MC is a promising instrument for assessing malingering of schizophrenia in China.
Keywords/Search Tags:Malingering, Schizophrenia, China, IOP-MC
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