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Social media use and depression in emerging adults: The moderating effect of parental support

Posted on:2016-06-20Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of DelawareCandidate:Schulz, Jessica LFull Text:PDF
GTID:1479390017477159Subject:Individual & family studies
The present study examined the relationship between social media use and depression and whether parental support moderated this relationship. The sample included 888 emerging adults (18-23 year olds) from across the United States. Linear regression models were conducted to assess if social media use predicted depression or if depression predicted social media use. Results indicated a bidirectional relationship between social media use and depression. Parental support was not a significant moderator in the relationship between social media use and depression. These findings have implications for future research and interventions when it comes to understanding how social media use may affect mental health.
Keywords/Search Tags:Social media, Parental support, Emerging adults
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