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An exploratory study using a still photographic project as a humanistic broad focus psychosocial clinical assessment tool

Posted on:1992-11-05Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The Fielding InstituteCandidate:Zakem, BrianFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this study was to demonstrate that the Mars Trip Still Photographic Project, composed of personally meaningful, behavioral products, can be used to similarly describe an individual's stable and transitory dimensions of existence, wholistically.;The study was designed to explore and evaluate the degree of clinical validity, as demonstrated by interrater correlational reliability or similarity using the Mars Trip Still Photo Project as a broad focused clinical assessment tool, wholistically and multidimensionally.;Twenty-one adults, 11 women and 10 men, comprised the subjects in the main study. Each was required to complete the Mars Trip Still Photo Project, including a self-report using the Mars Trip Q-Set. Then two judges, each subject's out-patient psychotherapist, and each subject's significant other were required to describe the subject using the same Mars Trip Q-Set the subjects used.;Many interrater correlations were conducted to demonstrate whether or not the criterion raters, i.e., the judges and therapists, could attain interrater correlational significance or similarity. The following secondary analyses were then conducted to determine whether or not each subject, across criterion rater pairs, attained interrater correlational similarity: t-test for the variables of subject's age, educational status, months in therapy; chi-square test for the variables of subject's sex and marital status; comparison of levels of similarity or dissimilarity for several specific rating pairs; effect of therapists' and judges' sex on MTQ-Sort mean similarity; differences among the Mars Trip Q-Sort self-report ratings on the confidence scale; meaning of the multiple-regression analyses based on the five independent variables of age, sex, marital status, educational status, and months in therapy for each subject; meaning of the questionnaire data, "Is Photography Your Hobby?", compared with individual subjects' clinical reliability findings; and, finally, what the judges' post Mars Trip Protocol anecdotal data tells about their MTQ-Sort decision-making processes.;Results of the study did not demonstrate overall clinical validity for any of the correlational Dimensions of Existence. Several subjects attained criterion raters' reliability on one to five of the eight correlational Dimensions of Existence.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mars trip, Project, Using, Correlational
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