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Kwame Nkrumah: A study in intercultural leadership

Posted on:1995-03-08Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:United States International UniversityCandidate:Taylor, Samuel EFull Text:PDF
THE PROBLEM. The central premise of this dissertation was that intercultural leadership is a distinctive form of leadership. However, the literature concerning the role, type, and style of intercultural leadership is lacking.;As an investigation into the problem, Kwame Nkrumah was selected as a case study, and the personality, type, and style of Nkrumah's leadership were examined to demonstrate how he exemplified the complexities and challenges of the life and work of one of the intercultural leaders of the post-World War II era in general, and of Ghana, Africa, in particular. The findings about this particular leader could add new insights to the study of leadership in general.;METHOD. The methodological approach to the problem was a descriptive historical study and qualitative content analysis. The study included an extensive research into: (1) The review of literature on types, styles, and theories of leadership; (2) definitions, examples, and descriptions of leadership and intercultural leadership; (3) a theoretical formulation of intercultural leadership; (4) a review of the literature on the life and leadership of Kwame Nkrumah; (5) an examination of chieftaincy, monarchy, and ethnopolitics and how they promote our understanding of intercultural leadership, and (6) an integrative qualitative content analysis from the collected data to show a "goodness of fit" between the type and style of the leadership of Nkrumah and the theoretical framework of intercultural leadership.;RESULTS. The findings support the central premise of the study that intercultural leadership is a distinctive form of leadership. The study also demonstrated sufficiently that Kwame Nkrumah exemplified the complexities and challenges of an intercultural leader for Ghana, Africa, and the world during the post-World War II era.
Keywords/Search Tags:Intercultural, Leadership, Kwame nkrumah
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