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Self-solve: Enabling employees through conflict self-management

Posted on:1995-06-28Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The Union InstituteCandidate:Williams, Sidmond CFull Text:PDF
GTID:1479390014489815Subject:Business Administration
This book presents a comprehensive employee conflict management program that can be implemented efficiently and cost-effectively by any organization, regardless of its size or structure. The program is based on mediation, the conflict resolution process generally believed to have the highest satisfaction rate by employees. Mediation is a process that uses a neutral third-party who facilitates a series of steps through which disputants can construct their own solution to their conflict.; Self-Solve is designed as a one-meeting mediation process and contains five steps, each fully detailed in the book: (1) Begin; (2) Frame-Review/Frame-Review; (3) Balance; (4) Reframe {dollar}longleftrightarrow{dollar} Reframe; and (5) End. The process can be completed in approximately one-and-a-half hours. Through strategic interactions facilitated by the mediator, Self-Solve endeavors to increase the empathy, awareness, and flexibility of the parties to assist them in self-designing a mutually-satisfactory solution for their conflict. Self-Solve is focused not only on the resolution of the conflict presented but on the learning of the parties for future conflict self-management as well. Once agreement is reached by the parties, only oral commitments are made, since Self-Solve does not use written agreements. It is designed to be a totally linguistic process.; The book also presents several additional enhancements to the standard mediation process, one of which involves the use of selected employees as Peer Mediators. Their utilization can make the cost-effectiveness of an employee conflict management program very attractive to any organization. The book is written to be read by organizational leaders, human resource professionals, professional mediators, employees, mediation trainees, and anyone else interested in conflict management. It can also be used as a text for mediator training, since the book contains a complete script of the process that can be used in structured role-plays. Information is also provided for program administrators, including implementation procedures and methods to minimize paperwork.
Keywords/Search Tags:Conflict, Management, Program, Self-solve, Employees, Book
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