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Working on the work framework for engagement: impacting students' perceived learning, attitudes toward school, and achievement

Posted on:2015-02-19Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Liberty UniversityCandidate:Forehand, Michael JoshuaFull Text:PDF
A quasi-experimental, pre-test post-test nonequivalent control group study was utilized to determine the difference in students' perceived learning, attitudes toward school, and achievement when participating in classes utilizing engagement design qualities as compared to students in classes not utilizing engagement design qualities. To inform the relationship between student engagement, perceived learning, attitudes toward school, and achievement, Csikszentmihalyi's Theory of Flow was utilized as a theoretical framework along with the implementation of Schelchty's Working on the Work (WOW) Framework with 178 third grade students in a Metro-Atlanta school system. A perceived learning questionnaire, the Elementary Form of the Battle Student Attitude Scale, and an expert validated mathematics assessment were analyzed to determine the differences in students that participated in traditional instruction and WOW instruction. Perceived learning and achievement scores were analyzed utilizing an independent samples t test. Student attitudes were analyzed through ANCOVA to control for covariance on the Battle Student Attitude Scale Elementary Form.
Keywords/Search Tags:Perceived learning, Attitudes, Student, Engagement, Framework, Achievement
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