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Formative assessment strategies: Levels of use by high school English and mathematics teachers

Posted on:2016-10-24Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Illinois State UniversityCandidate:Hauser, Danielle LFull Text:PDF
GTID:1477390017982046Subject:Secondary education
The levels of use of formative assessment strategies and types of feedback by high school English and mathematics teachers were examined. A non-experimental, quantitative survey approach was used to test whether the levels of use of formative assessment strategies vary by content area taught (English vs. mathematics), teacher's perceptions of their knowledge of these practices, and other teacher demographics (e.g., gender, years of experience, degrees/qualifications). Survey items on formative assessment strategies included specific items from Classroom Assessment for Student Learning Doing It Right -- Using It Well. Feedback survey questions were based on Nyquists' typology of feedback. One-hundred twenty-five surveys were returned by junior-level English and Algebra 2 mathematics teachers, with 106 participants (85%) fully completing the survey. The findings of this study revealed teachers' self-perception of their knowledge of formative assessment practices and participation in professional development activities had a significant association with their level of use of such strategies. In addition, content area taught (English or mathematics) did have a significant association with the type of feedback provided to students most often. Overall, teachers are not always using effective formative assessment strategies during instruction.
Keywords/Search Tags:Formative assessment strategies, Teachers, High school english, Levels, Content area taught, Feedback
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