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Game on: A qualitative case study on the effects of gamified curriculum design on student motivational learning habits

Posted on:2016-05-01Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Robert Morris UniversityCandidate:Harrold, Daniel JFull Text:PDF
With an increased need for differentiation and more rigorous, authentic forms of education, Gamification has emerged as a paradigm for designing and implementing instruction in multiple disciplines (Gee, 2003). Gamification uses game attributes such as play, narrative, interactivity, and collaboration, in conjunction with motivational game elements such as awards, freedom to fail, tiered difficulty, and choice in order to motivate the "player" to complete tasks and engage in content. While game elements have been a part of advertising and education for decades, only recently have they become an area of interest for course design (Kapp, 2012). This qualitative case study sought to identify the effects of a Gamified English course on student Self-Determination, Self-Efficacy, and Self-Regulation, as well as understand student perceptions of learning in a Gamified environment. Students in a senior level English class were instructed using a Gamified curriculum for an entire school year and then interviewed and observed to gain insight into their dispositions towards Gamified learning in education. Additionally, assignmentcompletion data was collected from the course learning management system, "3D GameLab". Results found universal increases in Self-Efficacy, gains in Self- Determination among students with previously high and low motivation, and magnification of existing Self-Regulation habits for all students. Additionally, the students found overall positive perceptions specifically regarding personalized learning technologies. Gamification served to magnify existing learning habits, and empowered students to solve complex problems without direct instruction. Suggested follow-up research includes implementing Gamification systems with stronger narrative embedded into course design, and more varied subjects and grade levels.
Keywords/Search Tags:Gamification, Gamified, Game, Student, Course
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