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Development of professional capital in the PLC analyzed through the lens of Theory

Posted on:2019-12-04Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:St. John's University (New York), School of Education and Human ServicesCandidate:Giacchetto, Michael JFull Text:PDF
GTID:1477390017484730Subject:Educational leadership
The purpose of this paper is to study the effects Theory U has on the capacity of a professional learning community (PLC). Hargreaves and Fullan (2012) suggest that Professional Capital consists of three types of capital: social capital, human capital, and decisional capital. The research conducted will look closely at the strengths and weaknesses of the PLC by looking closely at the Professional Capital of the members of the PLC while focusing on the varying degree of success within each of the three components that consist within it. Scharmer (2009) suggests that for leaders to move away from old habits and allow new realities to emerge, members of groups will need to travel through the U process to enact meaningful change. The research will look closely at how well the members of this community traveled through Theory U by focusing on seven different stages that exist throughout the U process. This study will try to discover essential attributes to successful PLCs that bring about meaningful change.
Keywords/Search Tags:PLC, Professional, Capital, Theory
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