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Online adult students' time management skills and their academic achievement and persistence: Technology-based learning and student success

Posted on:2016-01-18Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Keiser UniversityCandidate:Katiso, Alemu EFull Text:PDF
GTID:1477390017481258Subject:Instructional design
The purpose of the study was to determine if a positive relationship exists between online students' time management skills and their academic achievement and persistence. The sample for the study was taken from 2 private universities in North America. In the study, 188 online students participated by completing an online survey. Pearson's correlations coefficient (rp) indicated that a statistically significant positive correlation existed between online students' time management skills and their academic achievement (rp=0.16, p < .05). Spearman's correlation (r s) and point biserial correlation coefficient (rpb) confirmed Pearson's correlation (p < .05). The Pearson's correlation coefficient also indicated that a statistically significant positive correlation existed between online students' time management skills and their motivation levels toward their academic goals (persistence) (r p=0.24, p < .05). The Spearman's correlation confirmed Pearson's correlation (rs=0.21, p < .05). The moderation analysis for demographic subgroups indicated 3 important findings: (a) compared to Pearson's correlation of ages 28 to 37 years old (reference group), older online students' higher time management skill score was strongly related to their higher academic achievement ( p <. 05); (b) compared to Pearson's correlation of White (reference group), African American/ Black/African online students' higher time management skills score was moderately associated with their higher academic achievement (p<.05); (c) compared to Pearson's correlation of ages 28 to 37 years old (reference group), younger students' higher time management skills were moderately correlated with their higher academic achievement (p < .05).
Keywords/Search Tags:Time management skills, Academic achievement, Online, Pearson's correlation, Persistence
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