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Exploring the effect of professional learning communities on teachers' competency in the classroom

Posted on:2016-01-02Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:Galbreath, Tamika JFull Text:PDF
GTID:1477390017470397Subject:Teacher Education
This study is a descriptive examination of educators' perceptions of the organizational and environmental structure of professional learning communities and their use as an effective method to provide educators with ongoing training. Growth and development through membership in a professional learning community was evaluated in terms of educators' effectiveness in the transference of information learned into classroom practices. Increased budget cuts and financial deficiencies within educational institutions have restricted or eradicated embedded on-job coaching and learning; thereby paralyzing institutions with the quandary of how to provide professional growth and development effectively for all employees. As a result, educators are not receiving the latest and most advanced learning that would positively influence students' achievement. Instead, educators are experiencing hit-or-miss or quick fix sessions. Professional learning communities are viable in promoting and supporting the continuous progression of education and devolution into classroom performance. This qualitative study was conducted in four schools in a southeastern state. It explored teachers' perceptions of their practices and the barriers in the professional learning community. The sample contained 16 core content middle school educators. The topics of interest included the environmental structure of professional learning communities and the effect of teacher choice and teacher facilitation in professional learning communities. The findings implied that the transforming components of professional learning experience for educators have to do with timing, relevance, teacher choice, and teacher support through facilitation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Professional learning, Teacher, Educators, Middle school, Environmental structure, Education, Classroom
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