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Representation of African countries in Chinese online newspapers

Posted on:2015-06-20Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Washington State UniversityCandidate:Zhu, ZhengFull Text:PDF
GTID:1475390017992053Subject:Speech communication
This study analyzes two online Chinese newspapers' representations of African countries, and how the representations construct the state's neo-imperialistic domination. One is China Daily, a state-run newspaper. The other is South China Morning Post, a privately-owned newspaper published in Hong Kong. Grounded on the theoretical foundation of nationalist and neo-imperialist representation in Chinese newspapers, the analysis demonstrates that China Daily glorified the state's domination of African countries as saving the poor and weak friends. Comparatively, South China Morning Post criticized the Chinese government and people's exploitation of African continent through strategic ways of presenting the Western media and governments' opinions critical of the Communist state. China Daily employed the Communist ideal of international equality to justify the state's neo-imperialistic domination of African countries. South China Morning Post legitimated H.K. government's imperialistic domination of African countries and Sino-Africa trade through constructing the city as a powerful and superior country.
Keywords/Search Tags:African countries, Chinese, Newspapers, South china morning post, Domination
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