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Immigrant entrepreneurship: A qualitative study of factors that facilitate the startup of restaurants

Posted on:2016-04-03Degree:D.B.AType:Dissertation
University:St. Ambrose UniversityCandidate:Van Den Beldt, Thomas RFull Text:PDF
GTID:1475390017484899Subject:Business Administration
This dissertation studied immigrant entrepreneurs and the factors that facilitate the start-up of their independently-owned restaurants. The research was conducted through in-person qualitative interviews with twenty first generation immigrant restaurant owners. Three primary research questions were explored. Specifically, the research questions focused on what factors influenced the participants to enter the restaurant industry, what type of assistance they received from their family and friends in starting their restaurants, and what influences their success in their restaurants. Key results revealed that the vast majority of owners had significant prior restaurant experience as well as extended family members who were restaurant owners, and that family and friends were involved in the startup of their businesses and provided capital, labor, materials, and expertise. Several perceived their commitment to the customer in the form of fresh food, customer service, and cleanliness, as well as their ethnic food and cultural customs, as instrumental to their success. The results were consistent with the existing literature and provided further insight into how we can support immigrant entrepreneurs in strengthening our economy and community.
Keywords/Search Tags:Immigrant, Restaurant, Factors
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