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An Investigation of Consciousness-based Management and the Support of Nature Phenomenon Experienced by Long-Term Practitioners of the Transcendental MeditationRTM and TM-SidhiRTM Programs, Including Yogic FlyingRTM

Posted on:2016-01-14Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Maharishi University of ManagementCandidate:Kendz, Stanley WFull Text:PDF
Maharishi Vedic ScienceSM extols the Support of Nature, often referred to as luck and good fortune, as a consciousness-based management tool to do less and accomplish more in fulfilling personal desires and professional goals. The Transcendental MeditationRTM and TM-Sidhi RTM Programs, including Yogic Flying, are said to cultivate the development of consciousness, resulting spontaneously in increased Support of Nature. Subjects who were long-term, twice-daily practitioners of these techniques who were residing in Fairfield, Iowa were selected to partake in qualitative, semi-structured interviews about personal experiences of more effortless fulfillment of desires. Six of the 18 subjects were senior executive officers (SEO) of the international Transcendental Meditation program. The remaining 12 were active participants of the Invincible America Assembly SM, an organization founded by Maharishi to establish world peace.;All subjects reported experiences of Support of Nature. All subjects also reported that with continued practice of the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programs, the frequency, timeliness, and meaningfulness of their Support of Nature experiences increased over time. When describing their inner experiences associated with the Support of Nature, subjects reported being in a quiet and relaxed state of mind.;When findings were analyzed with reference to a model of levels of the mind, it was noted that in describing the fulfillment of desires through Support of Nature, subjects primarily talked about the higher Self -- Pure Consciousness; while the ego, intellect, and thinking mind were not much mentioned. This suggests the possibility of a new approach to management in which cultivating higher states of consciousness is the primary tool of management, while intellectual analysis of how goals will be achieved takes a lesser role as the achievement of desired goals is entrusted to the Support of Nature.
Keywords/Search Tags:Support, Nature, Management, Consciousness, Transcendental, Programs
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