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Interpreting the Bible in the African Renewal Context: What Direction in the Twenty-First Century

Posted on:2016-12-31Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Regent UniversityCandidate:Lowenberg, Douglas PFull Text:PDF
GTID:1475390017472557Subject:Biblical studies
In light of the unparalleled growth of African Renewal churches on the continent and globally, it is essential for church leaders to utilize a hermeneutic that is thoroughly Pentecostal, biblically-based, and culturally relevant. This dissertation develops a hermeneutical theory using Grounded Theory Methodology in dialogue with Africans that can contribute to African leadership formation and church growth in the twenty-first century.;Three primary factors affecting Africans' use and understanding of Scripture are investigated in this qualitative study: (1) African views of the nature and function of the Bible; (2) components of African worldviews that impact the reading of Scripture; and (3) major hermeneutical systems influencing African interpretive paradigms. These factors are integrated with an exegetical examination of several New Testament texts dealing with the interpretation of Scripture from a pneumatic perspective to generate an African Renewal hermeneutic.;The investigation employs social science research methodology with African Renewal seminarians, literary analysis of African theologians, and biblical, textual studies. The Renewal hermeneutic that is generated requires the use of critical analytical skills blended with the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and can serve the African Renewal church in addressing current realities on the continent while being committed to apostolic function.;The hermeneutical theory involves the dialectical interplay between five dynamic forces, configured as a pentadactic model, which includes the Holy Spirit, Scripture, Community, the Individual, and Theophany, with the goal of allowing Scripture to speak to the African context.;Intended outcomes include: (1) a fresh bibliology for African Renewalists; (2) descriptions of African worldview components that affect biblical interpretation; (3) a summary of major interpretive approaches to Scripture in Africa; and (4) the development of an African Renewal hermeneutic for those serving in the African context.
Keywords/Search Tags:African, Context, Scripture
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