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The United Bible Societies of the Asia Pacific Region: A study into the history and possible future development

Posted on:1990-12-26Degree:D.MisType:Dissertation
University:Fuller Theological Seminary, School of World MissionCandidate:Blair, Colin FFull Text:PDF
GTID:1475390017454116Subject:Business Administration
This dissertation is a case study of the United Bible Societies, Asia Pacific Region. The primary purpose has been to understand what the United Bible Societies have accomplished in the past, to review the present situation, and make a projection for future development. Secondly to understand how Christian organizations operate, their challenges and dynamics.; First, an examination is made of the history of the United Bible Societies, (Ch. II-III). Insights are gained into the organizational structure and power configurations of the UBS (Ch IV and V).; Secondly, the present activities of the UBS are examined the External Challenges (Ch VI); then the Internal Challenges (Chs VII, VIII and IX). A projection is made first as to where the Bible Society movement is going (Ch X). Finally how the UBS might better succeed in the future (Ch XI).; The dissertation will show that two major developments have shaped the UBS from 1946-1988. These developments are: (1) a broadening of the publications program from only Bibles to a much wider range of scripture materials. (2) The development of the dynamical equivalence translation principle.; This new development has produced some confusion amongst the traditional supporting groups who are distrustful of the new responsibility given to translators using dynamic equivalence principles rather than the older formal translation concepts.; The resolution of these challenges is suggested in Ch XI to be: (1) An improved method of communicating what is being accomplished. (2) A further organizational development which would centralize the Finance and Production Departments at one global location. (3) In order to maintain the momentum of the creative inputs needed to sustain an effective program ad hoc groups would be formed to develop new program and product potential.
Keywords/Search Tags:United bible societies, Development, Future, UBS
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