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The Vietnam veterans movement and the social reconstruction of the Vietnam vet

Posted on:1992-11-26Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of Nebraska - LincolnCandidate:Marsteller, Arell LeeFull Text:PDF
This dissertation identifies and analyzes the changing definitions of Vietnam veterans and the Vietnam War, an emergent reconstruction of the war and its warriors which has been occurring for the past several years. In order to create a new reality and a different past--a past that becomes more palatable to our present--Vietnam veterans have actively engaged in affecting interpretations. Hence, for Vietnam veterans a new positive label is replacing an old stereotype of villainous Vietnam veterans. This dissertation examines the extent to which Vietnam veteran oriented social movement organizations have been the driving force behind this reconstruction effort. This study also utilizes meanings and linguistic devices provided by veterans themselves to illuminate these reconstruction processes and contributes to our understanding of the significance of grievance interpretation activities, a crucial but largely neglected issue in existing social movement literature.
Keywords/Search Tags:Vietnam veterans, Social, Reconstruction, Movement
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