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100 churches in a single day

Posted on:1993-05-20Degree:D.MinType:Dissertation
University:Fuller Theological Seminary, Doctor of Ministry ProgramCandidate:Davis, Kenneth RobertFull Text:PDF
On Easter Sunday, April 19, 1987, The Christian and Missionary Alliance launched EASTER 100--the planting of 101 churches, strategically located in the United States and Puerto Rico. These churches were intentionally designed to be different than most, to reach a very specific target--the totally unchurched person. This dissertation is a study of those churches to determine how many have survived and whether or not they remained true to their objective, i.e. being a church for unchurched persons. The preparation phase for the project and the training program for these pastors are examined in Part One to provide the foundation for evaluation of the project. These preparatory phases would prove crucial in the success or failure of a church. Part Two delves into the philosophical and scriptural basis for planting churches for the unchurched. It utilizes current research and model churches to examine the need for a totally different type of church structure and tradition. Part Three examines the EASTER 100 churches in detail, differentiating them in terms of their present attendance, geographical area, and responses to a questionnaire concerning their rate of success.;The conclusion is that there is a shift in paradigm of ministry taking place within the United States. These EASTER 100 churches were intended to address that shift by providing a relevant, contemporary church to which the vast unchurched population in our country can relate. The changes in tradition that EASTER 100 philosophy suggested are successful in attracting this group. To thoroughly acquaint leaders with this total shift in paradigm, a new way of training leadership is necessary. Also, for contemporary churches to be successful, the core of leaders who aid in the church start need to be re-trained in this philosophy of ministry. Another church planting venture like this could be more successful if this issue of training and screening leaders and core group members is taken seriously.
Keywords/Search Tags:Churches, EASTER
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