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American values and family dissolution

Posted on:1995-11-23Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The Union InstituteCandidate:Frost, VirginiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:1475390014989876Subject:American Studies
A majority of research on family dissolution is based on a pathology and deviance model. In response to this bias and as a counter to ethnocentricism, this pragmatic study questions the relationship between American values and family dissolution. An historical and cultural context, issues in family dissolution, an overview of social changes, 1970-1990, specifically those affecting male and female relationships and the growth of mother-only families is presented.;A qualitative study was designed to collect data from a non-random sample of twenty-one single mothers through face-to-face, taped interviews. Adult mothers of various ages were sought who had formed conjugal relationships, whether legally married or not, that ended in dissolution. It was assumed that the influence of the modern American value system would be the primary basis of dissolution in these families. Valuable new methods of joining those studied in a truly collaborative way allowed the participants greater opportunity for candor.;Results reveal that dissolutions arose out of an intersection of circumstances due to social values and myths, political and historical changes and psychological states of mind. Although mothers reported actions by fathers as primary reasons for family failure, mothers' desire for American values of male and female equality, autonomy, and pursuit of higher goals played a critical role in dissolution. Another significant group of factors supporting eventual dissolutions were mothers' immaturity, poor judgement, doubts, insecurities and inner conflicts. One rarely revealed predisposing factor was the admission of several mothers about their initial doubts in beginning the relationships and subsequent lack of commitment to their partners. Some respondents articulated that they formed their relationships because they either had made a bad choice or had no better alternatives.;For those caught up in mainstream American values, divorce is a normal and large part of who we are as a society. Americans would do well to put endeavors towards responsible behaviors of family members no matter what the status of the relationship is between the mother and father. Primarily we need people to fulfill role obligations to family and community whether or not they live in the same house.
Keywords/Search Tags:Family, American values
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