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The effect of traumatic injury on the rehabilitation/recovery of athletes

Posted on:2015-01-10Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:Wirtz, Anita LFull Text:PDF
The aim of the study was to answer the research question, How do athletes who have their life altered due to traumatic injury describe the process (experience) of returning to playing status? Eligible participants of the study were 10 male and female athletes, 18 years of age and over, who graduated from high school. All participants represented various college, recreational, amateur, or professional level sports. Additionally, they suffered a moderate or major physical athletic injury as well as were able to successfully rehabilitate/recover and return to playing status in their sport. This study utilized the Strauss and Corbin model to construct the SPIRIT (SPort Injury Return Involving Trauma) grounded theory. This theory details the factors that contribute to the experience of traumatic injury, in addition to those that predict rehabilitation/recovery and return to playing status. The researcher designed open-ended interview questions that captured the athlete's experiences which were analyzed as transcribed notes to produce the theory.
Keywords/Search Tags:Traumatic injury
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