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Stasis among powers: Yugoslav destruction after the Cold War

Posted on:2016-05-08Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Northeastern UniversityCandidate:Mrdalj, Mladen StevanFull Text:PDF
GTID:1474390017983560Subject:Political science
This research investigates the causes of Yugoslavia's violent destruction in the 1990's. It builds its argument on the interaction of international and domestic factors. In doing so, it details the origins of Yugoslav ideology as a fluid concept rooted in the early 19th century Croatian national movement. Tracing the evolving nationalist competition among Serbs and Croats, it demonstrates inherent contradictions of the Yugoslav project. These contradictions resulted in ethnic outbidding among Croatian nationalists and communists against the perceived Serbian hegemony. This dynamic drove the gradual erosion of Yugoslav state capacity during Cold War. The end of Cold War coincided with the height of internal Yugoslav conflict. Managing the collapse of Soviet Union and communism imposed both strategic and normative imperatives on the Western allies. These imperatives largely determined external policy toward Yugoslavia. They incentivized and inhibited domestic actors in pursuit of their goals. The result was the collapse of the country with varying degrees of violence. The findings support further research on international causes of civil wars.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yugoslav, Among, Cold
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