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The structure of an honors curriculum by transcript activity analysis and Q-analysis

Posted on:1991-11-17Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The Pennsylvania State UniversityCandidate:King, Michael JamesFull Text:PDF
GTID:1474390017952512Subject:Higher Education
he dissertation explicates the structure of honors study (honors credit courses) by University Scholars at the Pennsylvania State University. Atkins Q-analysis and the author's Transcript Activity Analysis were employed in a four-year cohort analysis of the honors curriculum. Research questions were examined regarding structural (backcloth) considerations and educational (traffic) activity.;Transcript Activity Analysis highlighted interesting patterns for eliciting policy considerations, especially concerning prediction and honors course resource allocations. The evocative methodology of Transcript Activity Analysis brought out a "revolving door" phenomenon, "honors course difficulty" contribution to non-persistence, and a pattern of honors course resource deficiencies.;The Methodology of Q-analysis was demonstrated for Engineering Science Scholars and their honors curriculum. An incidence matrix for...
Keywords/Search Tags:Honors, Transcript activity analysis, Course
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