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Patient Satisfaction Related to Surgery Wait Time

Posted on:2019-08-05Degree:D.N.PType:Dissertation
University:McKendree UniversityCandidate:Wiley, SusanFull Text:PDF
• The impact of patient satisfaction related to surgery wait times was identified. • The purpose of the project was to understand the surgery patient's perception of wait times and to improve patient satisfaction and outcomes for surgery patients in SDS at Herrin Hospital in Herrin, Illinois. • One month of Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) was evaluated for the question "information provided about delays." • Current Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) was utilized as a resource via a binder that is labeled "Why is hourly rounding with purpose best practice?" • Behind the SOP is research from professional literature that support and explain why the SOP is best practice. • In a meeting, the education process for the nurses included providing explanations on why the current practice should be in compliance and implemented. • Education assisted in the level of nurse compliance with Purposeful Hourly Rounding. • One month of Purposeful Hourly Rounding was implemented by the Same-Day-Surgery (SDS) nurses. • A comparison of one month of HCAHPS was evaluated for "information provided about delays" following implementation of Purposeful Hourly Rounding. • An evaluation of the effectiveness of Hourly Rounding with Purpose for surgery patients in SDS at Herrin Hospital in Herrin, Illinois, was performed. • The evaluation process focused on the Hourly Rounding with Purpose and its effectiveness to increase the overall patient experience.
Keywords/Search Tags:Patient, &bull, Surgery, Hourly rounding with purpose, Wait
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