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The effectiveness of physical activity as a behavioral intervention for an adolescent with autism spectrum disorder

Posted on:2018-09-15Degree:Ed.SType:Dissertation
University:University of Nebraska at OmahaCandidate:Roth, BrookeFull Text:PDF
GTID:1474390017489791Subject:Behavioral psychology
This study used a single-case design to analyze the impact of an after school running regimen on classroom behaviors of an adolescent with ASD. Behaviors were monitored using the student's daily behavior rating sheet and checklists completed by school staff. During treatment phases, the student participated in a 15--20 minute running regimen three times per week. After four weeks of treatment, the student returned back to baseline procedures for two weeks. Once more, treatment was reimplemented for two weeks, and changes in behavior were noted. Data was collected daily across baseline, treatment, withdrawal, and treatment phases. Although results were inconsistent across phases, there was some improvement in classroom behavior. Moreover, the intervention was highly accepted by the student and his mother and reportedly improved the student's sleeping habits, affect, and overall health.
Keywords/Search Tags:Behavior
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