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Ocular chromatic aberrations and their effects on polychromatic retinal image quality

Posted on:1991-07-09Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Indiana UniversityCandidate:Zhang, XiaoxiaoFull Text:PDF
Previous studies of ocular chromatic aberrations have concentrated on chromatic difference of focus (CDF). Less is known about the chromatic difference of image position (CDP) in the peripheral retina and no experimental attempt has been made to measure the ocular chromatic difference of magnification (CDM). Consequently, theoretical modelling of human eyes is incomplete. The insufficient knowledge of ocular chromatic aberrations is partially responsible for two unsolved applied vision problems: (1) how to improve vision by correcting ocular chromatic aberration? (2) what is the impact of ocular chromatic aberration on the use of isoluminance gratings as a tool in spatial-color vision?;Using optical ray tracing methods, MTF analysis methods of image quality, and psychophysical methods, I have developed a more complete model of ocular chromatic aberrations and their effects on vision.;The ocular CDM was determined psychophysically by measuring the tilt in the apparent frontal parallel plane (AFPP) induced by interocular difference in image wavelength. This experimental result was then used to verify a theoretical relationship between the ocular CDM, the ocular CDF and the entrance pupil of the eye. In the retinal image after correcting the ocular CDF with existing achromatizing methods, two forms of chromatic aberration (CDM and chromatic parallax) were examined. The CDM was predicted by theoretical ray tracing and measured with the same method used to determine ocular CDM. The chromatic parallax was predicted with a nodal ray model and measured with the two-color vernier alignment method. The influence of these two aberrations on polychromatic MTF were calculated. Using this improved model of ocular chromatic aberration, luminance artifacts in the images of isoluminance gratings were calculated. The predicted luminance artifacts were then compared with experimental data from previous investigators.;The results show that: (1) A simple relationship exists between two major chromatic aberrations and the location of the pupil; (2) The ocular CDM is measurable and varies among individuals; (3) All existing methods to correct ocular chromatic aberration face another aberration, chromatic parallax, which is inherent in the methodology; (4) Ocular chromatic aberrations have the potential to contaminate psychophysical experimental results on human spatial-color vision.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ocular chromatic, Image, CDF, Vision, Experimental
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