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Localized two-dimensional magnetic resonance spectroscopy on a whole-body scanner

Posted on:1995-12-05Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of Wisconsin - MadisonCandidate:Ryner, Lawrence NelsonFull Text:PDF
Three-dimensionally localized versions of several two-dimensional (2D) NMR sequences have been implemented on a 1.5 T MRI/MRS whole-body scanner. Initial phantom and in vivo human studies are presented here. The pulse sequences were localized versions of 2D J-resolved, 2D zero-quantum, 2D double-quantum, zero-quantum filtered COSY and SECSY, and double-quantum filtered COSY and SECSY. The coherence-selection property of the slice-selective RF pulses used for both coherence transfer and three-dimensional localization was exploited with pulse sequences optimized for particular coherence transfer pathways. Phantom experiments comparing hard pulse and localized pulse 2D spectroscopy experiments verified the efficiency of the localized 2D NMR pulse sequences. Localized 2D J-resolved plots are presented for ten of the common coupled metabolites found in human brain tissue. Localized 2D J-resolved and double-quantum filtered COSY spectra of a phantom containing physiological concentrations of several metabolites also are presented to demonstrate the feasibility of performing these techniques within time limits reasonable for human comfort. Localized 2D multiple-quantum spectroscopy experiments demonstrate the clinical utility of these experiments and the sensitivity of different multiple quantum coherence orders to B...
Keywords/Search Tags:Localized, Spectroscopy, 2D j-resolved, Filtered COSY, Sequences, Experiments
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