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A genetic analysis of leaf development in cotton (Gossypium barbadense L.)

Posted on:1992-09-23Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of PennsylvaniaCandidate:Dolan, LiamFull Text:PDF
The primordia of angiosperm leaves are derived from a large number of cells sequestered approximately one plastochron before the visible outgrowth from the meristem surface. Over 100 cells are sequestered into the primordium early in development of the cotton leaf. The cell lineage patterns in the lamina of different shaped leaves of the cotton plant are shown to be similar. The rate of cell division is uniform throughout the lamina late in development and cell division ceases at the base of the leaf soon after it ceases in the leaf tip. Sector frequency differences at the margin and in submarginal regions provide no evidence for the existence of a marginal meristem.;Morphometric studies indicate that the Okra mutation of cotton exerts a morphogenetic effect early in leaf development. To investigate the nature of the interactions with other tissues in the primordium, genetic mosaics comprised of tissue containing the Okra (L...
Keywords/Search Tags:Leaf, Development, Cotton
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