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Indirect Matrix Converter as Standard Power Electronic Interface

Posted on:2015-11-26Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of ArkansasCandidate:Escobar-Mejia, AndresFull Text:PDF
The increase in the penetration levels of distributed generation in the modern power grid and its importance in future energy systems have accelerated the interest of developing new power electronic interfaces for the energy conversion process. The feasibility of applying the indirect matrix converter as the standard power electronic interface for applications with power ratings from several kW to few MW is addressed in this dissertation. Special attention is given to those applications where space dominates the power electronic requirements. The main motivation for using the indirect matrix converter is that eliminates the energy storage component in the way of a dc-link capacitor for the energy conversion process. This contributes to reduce size and weight, and potentially, increase reliability of the power electronic interface. Two main new contributions are presented. First, a new power electronic interface that allows the connection of two ac power grids through a medium- or high-voltage dc system is proposed. The new topology contemplates the use of two high-voltage dc-link converters based on the modular multilevel converter, two indirect matrix converters and two medium-frequency transformers. Second, a new sensorless control technique working in the d -- q reference is developed. The controller is used to interface a distributed generation unit to the power grid when the indirect matrix converter is used as the power electronic interface. The design and performance of the proposed power electronic interface is validated through time-domain simulations and a laboratory prototype is built to experimentally validate the sensorless controller.
Keywords/Search Tags:Electronic interface, Indirect matrix converter, Distributed generation, Power grid, Energy conversion process
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