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On the Stark effect in helium and neon

Posted on:1918-12-18Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Yale UniversityCandidate:Nyquist, HarryFull Text:PDF
(1) The Stark effect in helium and neon has been investigated by means of a high dispersion prism spectrograph and a new type of tube which is essentially a modification of the Lo Surdo tube. (2) It has been found that the various lines investigated may be classified in several types, and that lines which belong to the same series are of the same type. (3) The components obtained have been tabulated. (4) It has been found that the displacement is approximately a linear function of the field and that the absolute term in the equation relating the displacement and the field is not always zero. (5) In the helium spectrum the two new lines produced by the field and discovered by Koch were observed and in addition two other new lines. In the neon spectrum thirty-four such lines are observed and recorded. (6) A set of empirical rules has been given, which summarize qualitatively the results given in the tables.
Keywords/Search Tags:Helium, Neon
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