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Analysis of heat partitioning during sliding contact at high speed and pressure

Posted on:2015-03-15Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Air Force Institute of TechnologyCandidate:Paek-Spidell, Gracie YFull Text:PDF
This research develops a mathematical formulation and an analytical solution to frictional heat partitioning in a high speed sliding system. Frictional heating at the interface of sliding materials impacts temperature and the wear mechanisms. The heat partition fraction for a sliding system is an important parameter in calculating the distribution of frictional heat flux between the contacting surfaces.;Lacking an analytical solution, a constant heat partitioning coefficient was typically used, particularly with the slipper-rail contact surface at the Holoman High Speed Test Track. This assumption was non-physical as frictional heat partitioning is influenced by the slipper velocity and the contact pressure profile as well as the material properties. The solution presented in this dissertation considers the characteristics of the slipper's frictional heat partition values along with the experimental loading data.;With a physics based, rather than a phenomenological approach, this solution improves the estimate for the slipper's heat partition function. Moreover, this analytical solution is practical in calculating the average surface temperature and estimating the total melt wear volume. The heat partition function compares favorably with existing experimental and analytical data. Using the Strang's Splitting and ADI methods, a numerical method for surface temperature and corresponding wear percentage under dynamic bounce conditions was extensively developed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Heat, High speed, Sliding, Analytical solution, Contact
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