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A structural classification system for material

Posted on:1989-10-25Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of California, DavisCandidate:Brown, Brian DuncanFull Text:PDF
GTID:1472390017456559Subject:Materials science
A "building block" model for short range structural classification of materials has been developed. This structural classification system for materials is based on the dimensionality of: (1) interstitial space, (2) building blocks, and (3) coordination or connectivity.;Additionally, a method of characterizing the long range structure of materials, based on this new short range structural classification system, has also been developed. This characterization method, which uses matrices, involves the relationships among the building blocks in the structure and among the interstices in the structure.;An algorithm for modeling either ideal and non-ideal materials in a complete and systematic way has also been formulated. In addition, the finite nature of the set of building blocks able to form connected structures has been shown to exist, and a description of that set has been proposed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Structural classification system, Building, Materials
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