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Three essays on migration, convergence and environmental economics in Mexico

Posted on:2016-01-01Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Colorado at BoulderCandidate:Rodriguez-Sanchez, Jose IvanFull Text:PDF
GTID:1471390017975610Subject:Economic theory
exico has many major problems such as: corruption, poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, pollution, etc. Regarding pollution, politicians have established some programs trying to improve air quality in Mexico. But they do not know if Mexicans care about air pollution or they prefer that government faces other problems. Chapter one answers this question and in fact, I conclude that Mexicans do care about air pollution and they agree to pay to reduce it. This chapter follows a residential sorting model to calculate marginal willingness to pay for a reduction in air pollution. My estimates imply that the household head in Mexico would pay...
Keywords/Search Tags:Pollution
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