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Experimental characterization and computational modeling of unimorph shape memory polymer actuators incorporating transverse curvature in the substrate

Posted on:2017-02-12Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of FloridaCandidate:Cantrell, Jason TFull Text:PDF
GTID:1471390017452795Subject:Mechanical engineering
This document outlines in detail the research performed by applying shape memory polymers in a generic unimorph actuator configuration. A set of experiments designed to investigate the influence of transverse curvature, the relative widths of shape memory polymer and composite substrates, and shape memory polymer thickness on actuator recoverability after multiple thermo-mechanical cycles is presented in detail. A theoretical model of the moment required to maintain shape fixity with minimal shape retention loss was developed and experimentally validated for unimorph composite actuators of varying cross-sectional areas. Theoretical models were also developed and evaluated to determine the relationship between the materials neutral axes and thermal stability during a thermo-mechanical cycle. Research was conducted on the incorporation of shape memory polymers on micro air vehicle wings to maximize shape fixity and shape recoverability while minimizing the volume of shape memory polymer on the wing surface. Applications based research also included experimentally evaluating the feasibility of shape memory polymers on deployable satellite antenna ribs both with and without resistance heaters which could be utilized to assist in antenna deployment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shape memory, Unimorph, Transverse curvature
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