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Surface and interfacial phenomena in sulphide smelting processes

Posted on:1993-03-12Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Ip, Sai WaiFull Text:PDF
Over the years, the importance of surface and interfacial phenomena has been neglected by the copper-nickel industry. As a result, little data on the surface and interfacial tension of the Ni matte and slag system are available in the literature. In view of the scarcity of information in this area, the surface tensions of the Ni-Fe-S and Ni-Cu-S system together with the interfacial tension of the Ni-Fe-S and fayalite type stag system were measured using the sessile drop technique. Drop images were obtained by X-ray radiography.;Effects of surface tension changes in the matte on phenomena such as entrainment of matte in slag and infiltration of matte into refractory pores are discussed. The calculated flotation coefficients indicated that flotation of nickel mattes cannot be avoided by changing the matte grade. Filming of matte on bubbles can occur below a matte grade of about 19% ;For the Ni-Fe-S system, the results showed that the surface tension of the matte increases with matte grade. The surface tension behavior with changing matte grade showed a slight negative deviation from ideality. This indicated that FeS is slightly surface active in the nickel matte system. Results also indicated that small increase in sulphur content in the matte can decrease the surface tension quite significantly. The measured surface tension of the Ni-Cu-S system showed a line relationship with the Cu...
Keywords/Search Tags:Surface, System, Matte grade
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