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Optical and mechanical properties of optically transparent composites

Posted on:1993-04-30Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Missouri - RollaCandidate:Kang, Seung-GuFull Text:PDF
ighly transparent multi-layered Polymethyl Methacrylate (PMMA)/BK10 glass fiber composites (thickness = 6.63 mm; V;Annealing was used to modify the refractive index (R.I.) of the glass fiber so that it would more closely match that of PMMA. Because annealed glass fibers had a more uniform R.I. than unannealed fibers, the composites made with annealed fibers had a higher transmission. The mechanical strength of annealed fiber/PMMA composites decreased as the fiber annealing temperature increased. This decrease was avoided by treating annealed fibers with HF.;The refractive index of glass fibers was measured over the visible range using the Christiansen principle. The refractive index for glass fibers as a function wavelength could be obtained with an accuracy of...
Keywords/Search Tags:Glass, Composites, Refractive index
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