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The geology of the Anacacho Limestone and the evaluation of its asphalt resources, Uvalde County, Texas

Posted on:1993-03-29Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Texas Tech UniversityCandidate:Brownlow, Darrell TravisFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this research is to determine the geology of and evaluate the economic resources within the Anacacho Limestone in Uvalde County, Texas. As a result of this research, exploration in the 50-square mile study area has defined near surface economic asphaltic limestone resources in excess of one billion tons, containing approximately 320 million barrels of asphalt.; The Anacacho Limestone, in the study area, was deposited as collections of assymetrical, broad and gentle sloping, high energy carbonate ramps. These carbonate bodies formed predominantly on the east, southeast side of volcanic tuff mounds which acted as islands.; Fluctuations in sea level, water depth due to subsidence and regional uplift, as well as timing, location, and size of volcanic emplacements, have created a complex coalescence, merging, and stacking, of different carbonate lithofacies and lithologic units.; The greatest potential economic resource of the Anacacho Limestone lies with the road building industry. Crushing and processing the asphaltic limestone for road paving applications produces a product superior in many ways to current "hot-mix" asphaltic concrete used on Texas highways. The near-surface reserves of asphaltic limestone suitable for road building-paving material is virtually unlimited. Also, utilization of this natural resource lessens dependence on foreign oil by the United States.
Keywords/Search Tags:Anacacho limestone, Resources
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