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The electronic spiders' web: Food, fodder, problems, and possibilities of a Global Information Infrastructure

Posted on:1997-10-11Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignCandidate:Wheary, Jennifer MFull Text:PDF
GTID:1469390014981101Subject:Information Science
This dissertation analyzes a fundamental tension in the development of a Global Information Infrastructure (GII) by examining one of the signficant historical trends of 20th century mass media from which this tension stems. The main historical trend examined is the increased control of media by corporate conglomerates. This control is facilitated by public policy which respects business interests over public interests. A fundamental tension created by this trend, and analyzed in this dissertation, is one between both pursuing social betterment and seeking economic gain through a GII. Analysis of the above mentioned trend shows that the potential economic structure of a GII calls for treating information as a marketable commodity, a commodity to which some will be denied access, and for establishing labor categories which have the potential to increase economic disparity. It also shows that the organization of information in a GII, our ability to use that information effectively, and the potential use of marketing in this electronic forum raise important issues about a GII's role in a democratic society.
Keywords/Search Tags:GII, Information
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