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Development of a communications plan to enhance organizational communications with course writers: An action research study

Posted on:2017-06-06Degree:D.EdType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:Hill, Beverly DeniseFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this study was to create an organizational communications plan to enhance the Department of Defense (DOD) adult education institution's capability to communicate with course writers and others internal and external to the organization. This was an action research study that used qualitative data inclusive of an organizational communications data collection tool with 26 course writers who participated, and a seven member focus group that developed the organizational communications plan. Previous research examined organizational communications, but little research was found related to the DOD or any other organizations that developed communications plans. The rationale for the study was the institution perpetually missing course activation dates. The study sought to answer the question: how will an organizational communications plan be developed to convey course development duties, responsibilities, and submission requirements clearly to its course authors? A comprehensive communications plan was developed for an adult learning institution responsible for publishing military career-related course materials, using Argyris and Schon's double-loop learning concept and Eoyang's transforming feedback loop. The findings concluded that by using action science, theory and practice can be successfully merged as in the development of an organizational communications plan. Archival organizational information, particularly records of process improvement team decisions and recommendations, proved invaluable in the approval and acceptance of the communications plan. Most importantly, all types of civilian and military organizations can benefit from an appropriate communications plan. However, future research should compare and contrast an organization's communication before and after the implementation of a communications plan.
Keywords/Search Tags:Communications plan, Action research study, Course writers, Military, Development
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