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Development of an improved methodology for competency to stand trial evaluations in New York City

Posted on:2001-10-14Degree:Psy.DType:Dissertation
University:Rutgers The State University of New Jersey, Graduate School of Applied and Professional PsychologyCandidate:Barrett, Deirdre EllenFull Text:PDF
A model program for determining competence to stand trial on criminal charges was designed for New York City. Problems in competency assessment both generally and within New York City are explored and addressed within the design of the model. Results of a Pilot Project, initiated in 1996, to expedite the competency assessment process for criminal misdemeanants in New York City, are incorporated as well. The design of the model program includes suggestions for an improved methodology for conducting competency exams as well as a training and credentialling program for psychologists. The improved methodology is based upon a review of the current literature on competence assessment techniques and tools. In conclusion, possible measures to evaluate the efficacy of the proposed program are presented. Implementation of the model program would enable New York City to move beyond its current irrational, crisis-driven system toward becoming the standard bearer for a rational, humane competency assessment process.
Keywords/Search Tags:New york city, Competency, Stand trial, Improved methodology, Model program
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