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Relationship marketing with consumers from a total channel system perspective

Posted on:2002-07-08Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of Wisconsin - MadisonCandidate:Lee, Soo JinFull Text:PDF
GTID:1469390014951244Subject:Business Administration
This dissertation develops a relationship marketing model in the consumer-manufacturer (C-M) and the consumer-retailer (C-R) dyads. The purpose of this research is to identify a structure of relationship marketing and to develop a relationship marketing model for the consumer market. The three major research objectives are (a) to define the concepts of internalization and relationship strength, (b) to explore the determinants of relationship strength and (c) to examine the interconnected relationship between the C-R and C-M relationships. The empirical investigation was conducted through a store-intercept survey of 491 consumers. The proposed models and hypotheses were analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis, regression analysis, and structural equation modeling.;Overall, the results supported the proposed hypotheses and models. Based on the reliable and valid measurement models of both the C-R and C-M relationships, the proposed four determinants of relationship strength were found significant in the C-R and C-M relationships. The four determinants are stakes, analogy, approbation, and availability. The conceptual link between relationship strength and internalization was also found significant in both relationship dyads. The interconnected network relationship between relationship strength in C-R and relationship strength in C-M was tested using a non-recursive model. The hypothesized paths from C-R to C-M and from C-M to C-R were both accepted, and the overall model also performed well.;The development of a valid instrument for measuring consumer-firm relationships should result in a better understanding of the consumer-firm relationship. Indeed, the conceptualization of internalization and the interconnected relationship between C-R and C-M relationships presents the empirical meaning of the consumer in a channel system and the consumer as a channel member playing an important bridging function in implementing relationship marketing in a total channel system. The interconnected relationship indicates that a well-coordinated channel partnership is essential for building relationships with consumers. The results of this study suggest the need for a radical restructuring of firms' attitudes toward consumers and a broader perspective in implementing relationship marketing, which will enable relationship marketing to prosper in the consumer market.
Keywords/Search Tags:Relationship, Consumer, Total channel system
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