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Implementing a technological innovation in small business centers in Kenya: Barriers and user concerns

Posted on:1997-03-22Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignCandidate:Githeko, Jason MunyiriFull Text:PDF
Problem. The performance of African institutions has been negatively affected by the difficulty of communicating with other institutions. Despite several attempts to use low-cost computer networks to alleviate this problem, little is known about the factors that influence the success of implementation.; Purpose. This study aimed to examine the process of implementing a FidoNet Bulletin Board System (BBS) in Kenya with a focus on: (a) factors that should be considered; (b) barriers to implementation; (c) changes in the concerns of BBS users; and (d) change in BBS users' perceptions regarding the utility of the BBS. The Concerns-Based Adoption Model developed by G. E. Hall and colleagues and E. M. Rogers' diffusion of innovations model constituted the conceptual framework.; Method. A case study approach was adopted with the case consisting of four Small Business Centers (SBC) and a network services provider. Observations and interviews were conducted during site visits over a four-month period. Concurrently, modems and communication software were installed and SBC staff trained in their use. Two questionnaires were pre- and post-administered to participants to measure changes in user concerns and in their perception of the BBS' utility.; Results and Conclusions. The categories of factors that need to be considered were: (a) effective promotion of networking; (b) the nature and reliability of telephone services; (c) computer systems maintenance; (d) security of equipment; (e) human resource concerns; (f) communication and coordination with project participants; (g) finance and budgetary priorities; (h) cooperation among networking service providers; and (i) government procedures and regulations.; The categories of barriers identified were: (a) interpersonal and inter-organizational conflicts; (b) technical difficulties; (c) financial constraints; (d) regulatory problems; (e) skill and motivational problems; and (f) inadequate decision support systems. At the end of the study, users still displayed the profiles of new or non-users of the innovation (BBS) and their perception of utility of the BBS showed no change; consequently, it was concluded that substantial change in user concerns and perception of utility may take much more than four months. A number of recommendations are made and several areas of further study suggested.
Keywords/Search Tags:BBS, Concerns, Barriers, User
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