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The leadership behaviors of America's first darkhorse: James Knox Pol

Posted on:2000-06-06Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:University of La VerneCandidate:Arnold, David RFull Text:PDF
Purpose. The purpose of this study was to determine the leadership behavior of President James K. Polk during his Presidency and how this leadership behavior can assist modern-day leaders.;Methodology. The researcher used historical research that is the "systematic collection and objective evaluation of data related to past occurrences." This research consisted primarily of the use of primary sources and secondary sources directly related to Polk and his leadership. The most important source was the diaries of President Polk. The study was of necessity limited to Polk's dealings with his Cabinet.;Findings. (1) The leadership behaviors of James Polk used in dealing with his Cabinet were especially those of power-influence, behavior, and trait as defined by Gary Yukl (1994). (2) The leadership behavior that James K. Polk used to fulfill his major presidential promises was overwhelmingly power-influence. Polk was a President who used his power to influence his subordinates to accomplish his goals and this trait of leadership was his dominant one.;Conclusions and recommendations. In analyzing Polk's leadership behaviors, there are opportunities for leaders to learn from him. Polk was able to use his Cabinet members to assist him in accomplishing his goals. He made four promises or pledges when he assumed the Presidency and by using the influence he had, the collaboration of his Cabinet, and his persuasiveness, he was able to see these four pledges as successes. His ability to succeed where no President has ever succeeded is something that leaders could learn from and use to assist them to become more effective leaders.
Keywords/Search Tags:Leadership, James, Polk, President
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