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A study of leadership influence on technology adoption in Michigan

Posted on:2001-07-13Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Wayne State UniversityCandidate:Armstrong, John RichardFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this research was to examine the level of technology adopted and the degree of use that is taking place in Michigan school districts. Also studied was the relationship of a superintendent's implementation of technology in the school district and the effect of a district technology director on the implementation of technology in the school district and staff development were also examined.;The population for this study, all K--12 school superintendents in the State of Michigan, was surveyed with a 60-item instrument that addressed four research questions. Findings from the research indicated that responding school districts in Michigan are behind national levels in the acquisition of necessary technology equipment for their classrooms and students, but progress is being made.;Superintendents indicated that a team approach is being used to make decisions regarding technology in their districts, but it appeared that the teams primarily consist of technology staff and building administrators, especially when a district technology director is employed. Other stakeholders in the school district, such as teachers, parents, community members, and including the superintendents, appeared to have little or no influence on the decision making process regarding technology.;The survey further revealed that despite the fact that a large number of superintendents have become personal users of computers for various applications at home and work, most of them have limited knowledge in the field of instructional technology and little influence on the over-all implementation and success of technology in their school districts.
Keywords/Search Tags:Technology, Influence, School, Michigan
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